Weekly Documents – Stay on Track with Your Wellness Workbook!
Week 1 Movements and Habits
Colorful Foods
Week 3 Movements and Habits
Week 4 Movements and Habits
Meal Planner
Week 5 Movements and Habits
Meal Prep Guide
Week 6 Movements and Habits
Week 7 Movements and Habits
Portion Reference
Week 8 Movements and Habits
Week 9 Movements and Habits
Week 10 Movements and Habits
7 Day Stretch Challenge
12/10: Seated Forward Fold, Colorful foods and breath work
12/3: Overview of New Health and Wellness Program
Meet Candace: Your Health and Wellness Coach!
2/17 – 7 day stretch challenge, spending time in nature
1/7: Butterfly Pose, Meal Planning and Being Kind
2/4: Seated Side Bend, Slower Eating, Practicing Patience
3/11: Wall Triangle, Sleep to Optimize your Health, and Pausing before responding
2/25: Goal Post, Herbs and Aromatherapy
03/04: Wall Clock Arms, Beverage Choices and Guided Meditation