Elite Academic Academy is committed to following all current guidelines from the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) and the CDC related to COVID-19. Our COVID-19 Response Guidelines are designed to reduce the spread of respiratory infectious diseases, including COVID-19, and ensure the continuity of student learning.

Message from Elite Administration

Dear Elite Academic Families,

As we continue to navigate changes related to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, we would ask that you continue your safety measures anytime you are meeting in-person with Elite Academic Academy Staff.

We want to honor our families and will support you in making the best choice for your student. You have the choice to meet your Elite Teaching Staff in person or via Zoom. If you do choose to meet with your Elite Teaching Staff in-person, Elite asks that you do not meet if you are symptomatic for Covid-19.

Additionally, as Covid-19 is still around us, all staff are prohibited from meeting with any student or staff member for school business at a personal home. You may meet in public locations (i.e. public libraries, coffee shops, restaurants), however, we strongly recommend wearing a mask if meeting indoors.

We will continue to update you with the most current guidance and we thank you for your willingness to continue to take steps to keep yourself and others safe!


Your Elite Administration

California State Covid-19 safety measures.

Question: Does Elite Academic currently require the COVID-19 vaccine for students?
Answer: As a non-classroom-based school, the COVID-19 vaccine for children (of any age) does not currently apply to us. This is because our students are primarily learning from home. 

State & County COVID-19 Response Resources

  • Industry Guidance for Schools – California State guidelines and considerations intended to help school and community leaders plan and prepare to resume in-person instruction.
  • CDC Guidance for K-12 Schools
  • County Variance Info – California State map that identifies county status on the monitoring list.
  • Vaccine Finder – This website includes the latest information on COVID-19 vaccine availability at certain providers and pharmacies.
  • MyTurn – Find vaccine sites and seeing if you are eligible to receive the vaccine in the State of California.